Getting Started

A Guide to Initiating a Security Deposit & Other Fees for a Landlord or Owner as an Agent

Once an agent and a landlord/owner have selected a tenant for their property, the agent can initiate a security deposit on the landlord's behalf to streamline the rent payment process through RentSpree.

Please see below for instructions on how agents can initiate a security deposit through their RentSpree dashboard.

How to initiate a security deposit and additional payments for a landlord:

  1. Once logged into your RentSpree account, click on the Payments tab on the left menu bar
  2. Once on the Payments page, click on the Collect Payments button

  3. From the  Set up Payment section, choose the preferred source of receiving payment
  4. Once directed to the Set up Payments page, please enter the following information: 
    1. Information required: Property Address, Landlord Contact Information, Tenant Contact Information, Security Deposit Information, Rent Payment Information, and any additional move-in fees associated with the listing

  5. Confirm the information on the following Confirmation page
    1. Please note that once the payments have been added they cannot be edited without deletion of the payment setup
  6. Once the payment information has been sent, a page will appear that will confirm the request was sent to the landlord or owner and you'll receive a message once the payment has been completed
  7. The landlord will receive the email below notifying them to initiate the security deposit with their existing RentSpree account or to create a new RentSpree account